academic and work history


BS, Engineering Physics, Lehigh University, 1970

MS, Atmospheric Physics, Drexel University, 1972

Work History

1972-1980, Bell Laboratories, Research, Associate Technical Staff Member

Laboratory molecular spectroscopy – Conducted experiments, analyzed data, and published results of electron and photon impact studies of small molecules and atoms in vacuum environments.

Atmospheric photochemistry modeling – Parameterized boundary layer meteorological processes, conducted numerical experiments, analyzed results, and published results of atmospheric photochemistry simulations of the extended New York City metropolitan region.

1980-1987, Bell Laboratories, Research, Technical Staff Member

Radio propagation – Proposed field experiments, secured funding, installed equipment, conducted investigations, analyzed data, and published results of investigations probing the fundamental causes of anomalous propagation on terrestrial radio within the boundary layer. Developed climatological refractivity models to engineer line-of-sight terrestrial radio systems, published results, and secured patent on method. Developed, verified, and executed a statistical method to forecast anomalous radio propagation a day in advance. Diagnosed AT&T episodes of degraded radio performance on global basis.

Scientific visualization research – Established internal and external collaborations among meteorologists, cognitive scientists, and computer graphics researchers to develop novel visualization techniques for comprehending 4-dimensional mesoscale model output fields.

AWIPS-90 contract bid – Stimulated AT&T pursuit of NWS infrastructure technology contract, evaluated and established teaming partners, quantified meteorological product traffic, and drafted proposal sections.

1987-1996, Bell Laboratories, Engineering, Technical Staff Member

Genesis of Atlantic Lows Experiment – Established and executed regional ground-truth volunteer snowfall observation program, participated as observer on several storm-penetration flight missions, and analyzed several IOP episodes.

Optical transmission field experiments – Participated in field investigations, conducted statistical analyses, and developed transmission performance models using field and climate data for prototype through-the-air optical transmission systems in New Jersey and Georgia.

Applied climatology – Quantified statistical predictors of the risk of damage to buried cable, aerial fiber, and buildings, as caused by natural and human hazards and developed predictive models of their vulnerability.

1996-2003, AT&T Network Planning, Engineering, Principal Technical Staff Member

Reliability modeling and engineering – Developed and applied reliability models of telecommunications systems to evaluate whether their deployment would allow network service availability objectives to be met.

2003-2013, AT&T Laboratories, Engineering, Senior Technical Staff Member

Reliability modeling and engineering – Developed and applied Markov models to evaluate the reliability merits of alternative proposed telecommunications network architectures, operational processes, new technologies, and proposed services. Analyzed impact of natural hazards on telecommunications network infrastructure.


Skiing, running, bicycling, kayaking, softball, meteorology